Clinician Advanced Life Support Care: A - Challenging Airway Management

Instructional Hours: 8.00

Course Objective: To provide students with the knowledge, skills, and abilities to manage both medical and traumatic airway emergencies in the field and how to predict, prepare, and manage difficult intubations.

Course Description: Major topics covered in this course include a review of airway anatomy, pediatric intubation direct and video laryngoscopy, nasotracheal intubation, rapid and delayed sequence intubation, surgical cricothyrotomy, and difficult intubation techniques. Methods of instruction include facilitated lecture, interactive learning cases, and interactive learning sessions.

Successful Completion: Students must attend all classroom sessions and demonstrate proficiency in the evaluation stations.

Continuing Education: The continuing education hours are approved by the Maryland Institute for Emergency Medical Services Systems (MIEMSS), and are recognized by the National Registry of Emergency Medical Technicians (NREMT). Students can apply all 8 hours of this course towards their Individual Core Competency Requirements (ICCR) for both their National Registry and Maryland ALS recertification.


Students must be a current, licensed Maryland advanced life support clinician.

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