Emergency Medical Responder Refresher Course (ASHI)

Instructional Hours: 12.00

Course Objective: To provide students with the knowledge, skills and abilities to fulfill the requirements for ASHI EMR recertification.

Course Description: Major topics covered in the course include review of legal aspects of care, patient assessment and vital signs, respiratory and circulatory systems, CPR and airway obstruction techniques, oxygen delivery and adjuncts, suctioning wounds, bleeding control and shock, fractures, spinal injuries, medical and environmental emergencies, childbirth, special patients, crisis intervention, triage and gaining access to and moving patients. Methods of instruction include lecture, discussion and team-focused practical exercises.

Successful Completion: Students must attend required classroom sessions, complete the necessary tasks from at least five ASHI EMR scenarios including a responsive or unresponsive medical patient, a responsive or unresponsive trauma patient, a respiratory distress patient requiring the administration of oxygen, an apneic patient requiring the use of BVM and a cardiac arrest patient requiring use of CPR/AED.


Students must be current ASHI Emergency Medical Responder Card Holders.

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