Using New Technology: Flippity & Other Random Name Generators (MICRB #291) - 1.5 hrs

Instructional Hours: 1.50

This PDI outlines the importance of using random name generators to increase active listening during lessons, with a special focus on a new technology called "Flippity." Instructors will learn how to use this platform to cold call, review, assess, and group students. Instructors will gain practice through creation and role playing.

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Using New Technology: Flippity & Other Random Name Generators (MICRB #291) - 1.5 hrs More →

Instructional Hours: 1.50
Date: 09-28-2024 Time: 10:30 - 12:00
Registration Open: 09-06-2024
Registration Close: 09-26-2024
MFRI Upper Eastern Shore Regional Training Center More →
Coordinated by: Upper Eastern Shore. For questions contact: